As your concepts picks up traction on the app, the Off/Script Product Creation Team takes a closer look at your concept, assessing its viability for production and setting the stage for a successful campaign before it crosses the 100 likes threshold. Here's what you need to know to navigate this phase effectively.

Understanding the Review Process

The in-review phase is designed to ensure that your project is feasible and provides both the retail price and minimal order quantity required for your campaign to be deemed successful. Here’s how it works:

Preparing for Campaign Launch

While your concept is under review, there are several steps you can take to prepare for the potential campaign phase:

Read the full step-by-step guide: ‣

What Happens Next?

Staying Informed

Throughout the in-review process, you'll receive updates from the Off/Script team. Keeping an open line of communication is key to ensuring that any questions or concerns you have are promptly addressed.


Stage 3 — Campaigns